GroupEx Yoga - What's Inside

28 Day Schedules

28 day plans to stay on track and see progress every 28 days. Just stick to the plans for beginner, intermediate or advanced practitioners

Yoga Pose Library

You will get access to our pose library. Lessons on how to perform the poses correctly.

Express Classes

Tight in time? 10min-12min express classes so you can jump in quickly and get a great workout in. 

Longer Classes

20min+ Classes in our unique style of yoga. We can assure you that boredom will not be a thing. We focus on Yoga Strength.

Mini Flows

Mini flows these are 3-5min flows you can practice when time is extra tight.

Why GroupEx Yoga Studio

Our Online Studio

We have a unique take on yoga. Trained in a traditional way and adapted. We now focus more on the strength part of yoga. We have a slightly faster paced class style than traditional studios.


Our Price

£29.99 Monthly

Other Online Studios

These "traditional" style studios are great, but they really over charge for what you get. Then always try an upsell of retreats, different levels (bronze, diamond etc.) Always keeping you reaching for your credit card.


Their Prices
