GroupEx Yoga Studio

£29.99 1 Sections 2 Lessons

Course Description

Founder Launch - Sept-Dec 2024

Monthly Subscription Program - 3 Days FREE

Learn Yoga from home with minimal equipment - 100% From Home

This is GroupEx Yoga we have been teaching this style and program for several years. With the incorporation of Mat, Straps & Blocks several workouts.

28 Day follow along plans or go solo with express or full follow along classes to workout anytime, anywhere. Enjoy our exercise library and learn each move in depth. 

Create an amazingly strong body with GroupEx Yoga monthly subscription program.

New classes and lessons added monthly. Beginner & Intermediate

Course Content

Yoga Information

Course overview section with important information to help you navigate GroupEx Yoga and advance in your practice of the amazing style and create a great strong body.
Yoga History & Benefits
Yoga FAQs